
Camp, Day 4: I want to be a missionary now

That title was meant to be sung. You know, like the Primary song-

I want to be a missionary now
I don't want to wait until I'm grown
I want to share the gospel while I am young
For I have a testimony of my own.

I just love that song. At camp, the Spirit is so prevalent. Even in the kitchen, where many might think there's little to do with church. We have twice daily devotionals and prayers. It's nice to be part of something so great. This year, I got to meet the new senior missionary couple that will be working at the camp for the next couple of years. They were just phenomenal. Meeting those two really brought me to have such a great desire to serve with Jimmy. I have always had a desire to serve a mission as a senior couple- but to see this couple made my yearning for that day just so much greater.

What we learned is that the church has been buying many properties around the country for the sole purpose to have Young Women's camps. It's because in a recent survey, more than 90% of women surveyed, cited Girls' camp as a foundation for their strong testimony. Isn't that just neat?! I know that camp saved me. I know that as a teenager, I learned so many valuable truths and had a wonderful place to help my testimony flourish.

I hope that each year, as I sacrifice time away from my family, at least one girl is gaining a small part of what I was blessed to gain- because I know she would be truly grateful. Kate will be going to camp in two short years. I really hope she enjoys it as much as I do! And when the time comes I hope to serve a mission to share the testimony that was in part fueled by the fabulous place I call Girls' Camp.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I love girls' camp! Definitely a great testimony builder! And I can't believe Kate will be going in 2 years!!! Time flies! Love you lady!!!