
Camp, Day 6: The great KD

KD stand for Kelly DeGarmo

This amazing woman deserves a whole post just for the praise I have for her!

It may be the act of kindness performed at camp that urged me to write this post, but her many great qualities and services in the past warrant all that I have to say about my dear friend. First of all, let me tell you a little bit about Kelly. She has three wonderful, beautiful children that are no doubt great because of Kelly's example. This woman is a hard worker and the best listener I have ever met. Her laugh makes me feel jolly and like the funniest person on the planet. Kelly is thoughtful and has dropped a sweet note in the mail to me on many occasions. I truly count myself blessed to call Kelly my friend. Now, let me tell you what this wonder woman did for me at camp:

After days on my feet in the kitchen, I was exhausted. On one particular day, our call time to the kitchen was 5:45 am. Meaning, that the staff had to wake up preeetty early. It was a day filled with non stop work until about 2:30 pm. When I finally dragged myself out of the kitchen for a small break before the dinner rush, I walked by Kelly who was facilitating a pedicure class for the girls. She talked me into staying so I could soak and rest my feet. It did not take too much coaxing to keep me there, as my cabin was located straight up two very steep hills. The foot soak was WONDERFUL! What was more wonderful than the hot peppermint scented water was Kelly sitting next to me and holding my feet in her lap to rub them. At first I felt a little embarrassed. But, all I could think about after my initial reaction was the Savior. Jesus Christ washed the feet of His disciples. He washed their feet because He loved them. In this small act that Kelly performed for me, I felt entirely loved. What my friend did for me not only made my aching feet feel better but also taught me a lesson in love and service. I am so grateful for her example. I am grateful for her parents raising a righteous daughter. I am grateful that Kelly is a mother that is teaching her children important values through her example.

I love you, Kelly- thanks for everything!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I feel like a queen! Thank you for such a sweet tribute, and I am copying it to put it in my journal. You have me in tears~ I just love you to eternity!!!!
I will rub your feet anytime!