Children, gather 'round for a tale from my youth...
Long ago, in the summer of 2008- when I was untainted by the technological wonder that is blogging- I was conversing with a dear old friend. My sweet mister had just hooked up a satellite antenna to receive the internet at our abode far, far away from any civilization. My dear old friend and I were praising the blessings of the world wide web, when the discussion of blogs came up. I gave my friend an address I had been frequenting and in moments, we were laughing together on the phone while reading the 'queen of all blogs and captain of team Edward' commentary on Gap jeans. This, dear folks, is the beginning of the end.
This is where your devoted servant handed her servitude from her darling family to the blog mistress and it's readers. There was a point where I preyed on unsuspecting fowl and became paranoid above all else... although these moments would otherwise bring shame, when posted they become jewels in the mistress' crown.
The year continued on with mishap after mishap... "all the better to entertain you with" the mistress of the web hissed. And the blog had total control of me. She watched my every move, she hid in the corners. I thought I was free from her powerful grasp, alas she had me with the release of anything with Zac Efron or Robert Pattinson or the Jonas Brothers in it!
Have no fear, I did prevail! I did conquer! Our internet stopped working. And thus, I was released from the terrible clutch of the master... for a short time...
I did learn how to control the beast nearing the end of the year by posting things like birthday invitations, wedding and engagement announcements, politics and family gatherings. It did satisfy the mistress. She was pleased with the humor and content, and I was comfortable with the loosening of her grip. I still am at her mercy most of the time, but we all did live happily ever after.
In honor of my 100th post you may enter a GIVEAWAY!
The prize is: dinner for your family, delivered to your door by me (if local) OR 1 dozen MONSTER M&M cookies delivered to your door by UPS (if not local or not wanting me to visit- no one wants a crazy lady to visit...) Just leave a comment telling me your favorite link from this post. You don't have to read every link... just pretend and pick one at random if you want! Giveaway ends 1/14/09- Winner announced 1/15/09.
Thanks for reading and cheers to another 100.
Okay I'm so entering....First...Congrats on your 100th post...you are sooo old now...and my fave post is easy...in honor of Baxter and Kenai on Dec 30....because I sooooo feel the renovation pain that having multiple canine children can cause....
Happy 100th!!! I can taste those cookies now ;) My favorite link was definitely the Wedding one. I am a total wedding fanatic (or freak some would say :) I dream of being a wedding planner. You and I should get together and do a wedding planning/caterer thing ;)
Anyway, happy 100th and I really enjoy your blog!!
my favorite post has to be one of the first i ever read of yours- which fortunately was a good one or I might not have ever come back- wow- good thing you didn't know what kind of pressure you were under that day or you might have buckled... just kidding... I still would have come back. But my favorite was one of your "mishaps" with the cute kitty and your svelte self getting your whiskers cut and paws taped. oh sad day, but quite entertaining. Thanks!
Well, my favorite link was the Zac Effron one. Duh!! I should like the Robert one but I would think it a little odd to like my own chest. He He He. J/k Congrats on your "100th" post. ;-) See ya tomorrow.
Hey girlie!!! Congrats on 100...and I have fond memories of our day on the phone reading blog after blog and laughing! I would have to say that I have completely enjoyed every story...every bit of humor...and every picture you have posted...but my favorite link on this post....would have to be.....uhhhh....MINE! hah...isn't that what blogging is all about!
I want dinner, but you guys would have to stay and enjoy it with us! And if easier you could just cook it over here at my house. My kitchen is still organized! You would be able to find everything you were looking for!
I can't wait to read 100 more!
P.S. That is the MOTHER of all giveaways...by the way!
I pick Robert Pattinson! Happy blogging!
This is quite the mother of all giveaways! My favorite post (and my favorite Stephanie story) is the Peacock story. I still laugh at it, and i still tell others about it. You tell it so well, and it is so YOU! You really should pick me to win this prize!
Happy 100th!
ok so I found your blog one day while mindlessly searching for something to entertain myself. I think that my favorite post of yours is most likely the shortest one. I love the post about how it isn't fair that your bangs cover your good eyebrow. I completely have the same problem (one eyebrow better than the other and it is covered most of the time!!!) I love that you actually have the same problem that I do and how you actually posted about it. BTW, I found your blog from April K.'s blog. She knows my family and so I guess I kind of follow her blog and yours now :) We live in Baltimore so we would love the cookies if you pick us!!
I think if you pick an out of towner's name first...they should get the cookies and then I would have a second chance to win the dinner.....I'm just saying....maybe the dinner should be a winner no matter what! unless you are secretly crossing your fingers that you just have to make cookies and not dinner....but that really isn't you...chef goddess! See I should win...just for calling you "Chef Goddess"!
So I'm sure you already picked a winner which is why I posting yet another comment here...otherwise that would be totally unfair for me to have 3 chances to win...while everyone one else just left a sweet little unassuming comment!
April's kissing your butt...no one likes a kiss butt April!!
Okay, so I tried posting earlier. I like the post about the peacock. And espeically about how it could care less about you. Which I am sure only fueled you on more to try to scare it to provoke it into being a pretty, pretty bird (much like a pretty pretty pony). Now, keep in mind that this comment is no where near as great as the last one. But such is life.
So, I hope I'm not too late for the giveaway. I want in. Hey, I'd even share the dinner with April. It would be so much fun to have dinner with all of us together. My favorite link is mine of course (April and I think on the same wave length). My favorite post of your's was probably the peocock story, but they are all really great! Happy 100th.
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