The kids loved feeding the ducks! While they were being distracted, Jimmy and I went over to look at a peacock. He was a beautiful fowl with gorgeous feathers resting on his back. But wait, aren't the feathers supposed to stand up in a fan shape? Hmmm.... there must be something wrong with this peacock. Have nothing to fear, Super Stephanie is here! Yes, I will help the peacock! So, I started cooing at the peacock, but to no avail. Then we both started meowing at the poor bird. That didn't work. Jimmy and I also tried a plethora of other strange unhuman, but peacocky sounds to get those feathers to stand up. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I suddenly remembered that animals on the Discovery channel sometimes puff up when they feel threatened. (I know you're shaking your head in disbelief at that last comment. Because if you know me at all, you'd know that there's something crazy coming next.) I happened to have a long, flowy skirt on. Yes, long and flowy. So what does Super Stephanie do, you ask? Why, pull out her skirt on both sides to make the skirt no longer flowy, but monstrous in size! So, what was the next occurrence in this twisted but amusing sequence? Actually, nothing again. I gave up. I turned around and walked away... that's what the peacock thought! I twirled around, jumped toward the peacock and let out a little 'roar!' Well, I would love to tell you that the peacock was surprised into submission and that it's tail flew right up as if saluting Super Stephanie. No, the peacock did nothing of the sort, but the couple that had mysteriously appeared behind me were a little scared.
HA HA HA!!!! Wish I could've seen THAT!!!!
Uh, Steph... peacocks only lift their tails for mating purposes... However you want to interpret it, its probably a good thing he decided not to open his feathers for you.
who needs Ellen when we have Stephanie!
Ha ha...I guess you're fortunate that peacock DIDN'T go into "mating mode". LOL
Happy SITS Day!
Wha! I would have loved to see that! Happy SITS day.
That's so funny! So sorry I missed it!
Hilarious! Happy SITS day!
OMG that is a riot!! LMAO!! Stopping by SITS to say "HI" :)
That's too funny! My grandma actually has a bunch of Peacocks at there farm....pretty cool birds. Dropping by from SITS to say hi!
Sounds like a great day! Dropping in from SITS
Bet that was hilarious to watch.. Where's the pictures? Video? Anything?! :D
Luv Luv
Too funny
Happy SITS day
Congratulations on your SITS day. At least the peacock didn't charge and attack...
Too bad someone didn't capture the whole thing on video...PRICELESS!
That was hilarious! A smile to begin my day - wonderful. Thanks a lot. If I had been the couple behind you, I would have wondered what on earth is she doing? Have a great day!
ROFL! How funny!!!
Happy SITS day!
Oh I have a peacock story too! I was stalked by one at a winery in spain.. they had to have the grouds keeper remove him.. I'm terrified of them now!!
Stopping by from SITS to congratulate ya on you big bloggy day.
That is too funny. I guess your bird was not sure what you were doing. Who knows what the bird was really thinking. Great post.
This is too funny!
Congrats on your SITS feature!
{love your 'lazy' picture on your sidebar!}
Happy SITS Day! Birds freak me out, I would've been running the other way.
Too funny, you're a brave woman, I have more than a little healthy fear of birds. And their droppings.
Sounds like a good try at least!
haha! I think those poor animals are unphased by things since they've probably seen it all by now in a zoo!
That's too funny! I would love to have seen that! It sounds like you had a wonderful family day!
LOL that is too funny! Thanks for sharing that, it's always nice to start the day with a good giggle!
Oh my goodness. This was a great post. That sounds like something I would do.
My daughters have a great story about going to the zoo and getting pooped on by peacocks. Who knew? So sounds as if you were lucky! Thanks for sharing such a fun post.
that peacock picture is beautiful! Sounds like you had a great trip!!
LOL, that is so funny! I have to admit I have never approached a peacock!
LOL LOL at what the Bearden said...be grateful!!!! LOL
I would have like a picture!
LOL! You are really brave.
Happy SITS day from Utah! Were you at the Tracy Aviary?
You probably gave the poor thing a heart attack!! (I would've so done it too!)
Stopping by from SITS!
That sounds like something my sister would do! Happy SiTS Day!
I have been to that ZOO and I live in Northern Utah! Thank God the admission to that place is only a buck!
HAve a great day!
lol i love it! i've always wondered why zoos seem to have such a wide variety of birds, when most of them are so boring!
Happy SITS day!
Oh the things we can learn from the Discovery Channel...or not!
Great post and Happy SITS day!
Glad he didn't attack you...
That's funny. What's peacock without it's feathers showing right? I would have tried to scare him too.
lol...that couple probably moved on pretty fast! very funny!
You are a brave woman... I would have nightmares after that. I wish I could have been there to see you do that though! Haha
Happy SITS day! That peacock was probably thinking "silly human." I think the animals just get so accustomed to people they aren't phased by our actions pretty much.
You know my neighbor told me the other day that she saw a couple of peacocks strolling up our street... now, we live in the county, but in a subdivision and not in the country, so I don't know whether to believe that or not (or whether she was into the sauce that day LOL)! Would have liked to see that!!
What a great picture of the peacock! You are too funny! That's the kind of thing I 'think' of doing, but never have the guts to try. I don't know if peacocks are like turkeys...we had one that would have kicked if you surprised him...and they hurt!
Happy SITS day!
This is why I never go to Tracy Avery (is this where said Peacock resides?). Birds are scary. They'll peck your eyes out. And Geese, they are worse, they will hunt you down and hurt you. Please stay away from birds. We need you around for a long time!
Hee, you should have pretended to be a peahen!
I can just imagine the other couple you scared ;) Good thing their tail feathers didn't get ruffled!
Oh. Wow. I'm just picturing this...I think I would have been a little scared if I was that couple, too!
Yeah for the SITS love! What a fun day this will be for you!
Funny, funny! :)
Beautiful bird. I'm sorry he didn't display his feathers for you. :(
Your so funny!! Have you ever heard one screech? I was at a zoo once and their was a peacock making the loudest, most annoying, ear-hurting, screeching. It was like nails on a chalkboard.
Happy SITS day! Add me to the fear of birds club
Happy SITS day!
I think after we leave the zoo the animals all get together and make fun of us! That sounded so funny!!
Happy SITS day to you! This posts just painted the funniest picture in my head. This was hilarious!
Funny! We have a kind of nature center near our house that has peacocks. The kids want so badly to chase them and try to scare them into putting up their feathers. I think they only put up their feathers when they are trying to attract a mate, right?
Happy SITS day!
OMG, I'm gonna have to check back often, it sound like we would be friends!
As an introductory post to your blog, I AM HOOKED! I couldn't stop laughing and imagining the ridiculousness.
A little late, but visiting from sits. Funny story--I love peacocks but never saw one open its tail feathers either!
ROFL! Crackin up over here!! Yeah good thing the bird wasn't "in the mood" HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Happy SITS day from Georgia!!
HAHAHAHA!! I can only imgaine what that peakock was thinking!! Priceless!! Happy SITS day
Do you mean roaring is not the proper way to get a peacock to display it's tail? Would never have guessed ;-) great story
Happy SITS day! :)
Peacocks are so cool. :)
Aren't peacocks gorgeous? But I think I would have missed the cat house. I love the cat house.
Is this Tracey Aviary? My son used to volunteer there and also at the Discovery Museum. Fun places.
You are brave! The last time my girls and I were at the Bronx Zoo it seemed to have been invaded by peacocks. They were EVERYWHERE. There was no where to walk without find one hiding in the bushes or crossing in front of us, I was petrified!!!
Happy SITS day!
Too funny!
Happy SITS day!
Oh, my gosh, you did NOT meow at a peacock.
You are my hero.
Congrats on your SITS feature!
don't laugh. I was once attacked by a peacock. It was traumatic. Remember the hair thingies that had little balls on them? The darn peacock thought I had food on my head. . .Traumatized, I tell ya'.
cute blog
That's so funny! Peacocks are beautiful ... but a little teeny bit weird. :) Great picture!
Aww... that poor traumatized couple! Very funny.
I am terrified of peacocks! One chased me down a driveway in England and then pecked at the car door handle after I'd scrambled safely inside!
That's awesome, that couple got a shot of you doing a freaky peacock mating dance. lol.
Haha that is hilarious!!!! I would've loved being the person that walked up behind you to see that!!
The peacocks are always my boys favorites!
What a rude bird. The peacock, I mean - what's his problem? Maybe he hadn't bathed that day and didn't want anyone staring.
there used to be peacocks at the Portland (OR) zoo, but they had to get rid of them because they attacked some kid and bit him. So be glad. =)
Happy SITS Day!
This was a funny post. I swear birds are psycho or rude.
My first SITS day and this entry proved to keep me coming back for more ... Great entry ... I could never approach one of those birds --- I've seen America's Funniest Video's and know they wait for people like me to have a "good animals go bad" moment LOL
OH and your site looks great!
Birds! They never comply! Love the site!
I have a huge fear of birds, so I don't think I'll be headed to the zoo with you any time soon!
Happy Sits Day!
I can remember when I was a kid someone brought a peacock feather to school one day and I thought it was the coolest thing. I wanted one bad but never got one. Stupid peacocks.
What? The peacock didn't warn you that you were being watched?
peacock's can be so tempermental!! Really like I know peacocks that well!!
Ha ha ha! Poor peacock!
Happy SITS Day!
It cracks me up how DETERMINED you were!! I can't believe that bird didn't budge...I wish I had been there...I know between the two of us we could have come up with something. :)
Happy Sits Day!
OH-MY-GOSH! I haven't laughed this hard in a while! I can't believe you thought to scare the poor bird into showing his tail(um yeah... I likely would have as well)! I can just picture the look of horror on the stranger's face!
Haha! Happy SITSday:0)
Hah, cute. That's something I would have tried to do. Congrats on being featured!
Haha! That's too funny!
LOL!! That is hilarious. I wish I could have been there to see that!!
Sooo funny!!
Happy SITS day!!!
I want to go to a bird zoo! Happy SITS day!
Oh I love it. especially the clarification on when peacocks lift their tails. You poor dear! ;)
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