The first night Kaitlin crawled into bed with us is a memory Jimmy and I still laugh about. We had been removing all the throw pillows ready to hop into bed when I screamed in sheer terror. There was character from the horror film, The Grudge, standing at the end of our hallway staring into our room. The long, unkempt hair, covering the face and an unrecognizable stare from the little gangly body. Oh, no! IT's coming to get me!
Jimmy just started laughing uncontrollably and went to pick up our little sleep walking girl. I thought he was going to bring her back to her own bed. Much to my dismay, Jimmy felt it only necessary to have me cuddle with Kaitlin as penance for thinking she was a scary figure in a horror movie. Heart strings sufficiently pulled, I acquiesced... Waking up approximately twenty two minutes later with a foot severely jammed in my trachea made me rethink the 'not from a horror movie' thing. Sweet Jimmy graciously brought The Grudge's moneymaker back to her own bed. And that's the beginning of many nights with an elbow in the lower back... drool on my forehead... a head butt in the nose... yeah, good times. Needless to say, I did not have a peaceful slumber last night- but, I did get to sleep with a movie star!
lol...I have such a good visual...and I am very satisfied to know that my little darling is still sufficiently held captive in his crib at night...
Sorry about you sleep last night. We missed you at kick boxing. I can't wait for you to try it. Carla really liked it. See ya tonight.
...you will also note that on each night that involves stray elbows, reflexive kicks, and endless drool it is always the MOTHER who is on the receiving end of such gifts.
Fathers and the sweet angel child bunking with you are sleeping as peacefully as possible, meanwhile you are wedged between the both of them, blankets twisted around your legs, child butt on your stomach and husband snoring in your ear.
Oh, and if your husband is lucky enough to have a superpower like mine does - The Human Furnace - you are even more uncomfortable from the heat radiating off his body.
I LOVE those nights!!!
I am so adament about no sleeping in our bed that our children know that if they are walking into our room they better have their own pillow and blankets for the floor!
I will reach down and offer a rub of the hand until they fall back asleep though.
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