Stay posted for my 100th post!!!! I feel so old... not to worry, I'm in a sparkly mood today... I just googled a pair of Sugar boots I got Kaitlin for Chritmas- RESULTS are in! I paid $9.99 at
Ross for a pair of $49.99 boots!

With my fake 3 carat diamond ring and Kaitlin's Sugar boots- all the other preschool moms are jealous (that, and I make sure I'm listening to fabulous music each time I am in the school parking lot- windows down, of course)
I love the Sugar shoes...all of them! And I loved the "windows down" part! That is a given!
We used to drive by my ex's jobsite singing Carrie Underwood's "when he cheats" at the top of our lungs....window down of course! Is it bad that I included Kaia in that! She loved every minute of it...for those of you reading who don't know divorce was over 15 years daughter's 11....the ex is not her daddy...and although she is totally thrilled I married her daddy and we had her...she still completely sides with mommy and is sad that I was cheated on! So we the top of our lungs...and it felt high school!
OK.....not My blog...this is Stephanie's and THAT was a fabulous post girlfriend!
Hehe great post and fabulous score. Wish we had a ross here.
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