
My heart broke a little today

I drop off each of our foster children off at different locations so they may have a supervised visit with their parents. This is a weekly appointment that the boys look forward to every time.
Tonight, when I dropped off one child to meet his parent, I received a call from the supervisor asking that I return to the office to pick up my foster child. Apparently, the parent didn't show. When the social worker said those words, my heart broke.
I cannot even begin to describe the hopelessness I felt for that child.
How was I to console him?
When I expressed to the child how hurt I felt, I think it surprised him.
He seemed very comforted knowing it was okay to hurt.
It was okay to be sad.
We ended up making a good night out the unfortunate letdown.
But, man, the sting is still there. I hope all is well...

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