Before Jimmy and I were married, I had landed an awesome job at Concordia. Who would ever be fortunate enough to play for a living? Yours truly. The living facility is a non profit, so there were always state programs to bring special things to the residents.
One particular program was an aviary. A sweet man came with a huge glass case filled with tiny yellow winged things to brighten up the residents. We were able to enjoy these birds for one month on one condition- someone had to be responsible for the fowls' care. As the young bubbly activities director, I was handed the responsibility.
After some time, I had learned to love the birds sweet chirping outside my office. The residents seemed to enjoy it to. I loved having a key to the aviary- I felt so powerful. (I was 18, I had my first office and parking space- one more key just added to the monster) The birds' one month visit was soon coming to an end. I would miss the little guys. Then I realized, I've never held the birds before! How are they going to know they're loved?! I had failed in my utmost mission, to share my compassion with the birds! There would be a solution right then!
So, at five minutes until going home time, I snuck out of my office, got out my handy-dandy key, and reached my chubby arm into the aviary. The birds flew around like crazy at the sight of an arm so close them. Look! They're so excited they can't stay still! So, I reached around to tenderly cradle one of the sweet things and it could barely contain it's longing to be held. The bird was so thrilled, that it flew out of the aviary in it's full joy to alight itself on a resident. Well, the resident may have been happy to see the bird, but not so much the deposit left on her blue tinted hair. I scrambled after the little guy to put him back in the aviary. And what do you know? He flew away! The bird continued to fly from resident's head to resident's head, meanwhile a young naive lady chasing after it. I do recall jumping over a couch at one point. My boss came out of her office at the commotion. She looked at me in a way that is completely indescribable, but I'm sure there was some laughter hidden somewhere deep inside. The frantic running continued for another ten minutes, all the while exciting a new senior citizen. I finally called on a higher power to get the bird. I said a little prayer... and what do you know? The bird landed on the shoulder of my boss. Lucky me! She gently picked up the bird, took away my key and put the bird back in the aviary. I never got the key back... frankly, I'm surprised I got to keep my parking space.
That is an awesome story.
LOL. I can't help but LOL at your stories. HAHAHAHAH is just too hard to type. Look i messed it up.
You should share your rooster story. The concept of "chicken hockey" always gets me laughing. Amusing now...not then.
Oh Lucy, the predicaments you find yourself in.
Chicken hockey? do tell.....
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