The wide open spaces are fabulous. I can go out and spin in fields just like Julie Andrews singing, "The hiiiiiillls are al-iive, with the sound of muuuuusic!" anytime without neighbors calling the cops. It's a nice set up. However, opposition in all things, maestro. As I was taking a shower this morning, I noticed that the water on my cheek just wasn't trickling down. Hmmm... it was trickling across my face.... I opened my my eyes to a freaking huge, black, hairy spider RIGHT UNDER MY EYE!!!! Under my eye! Ahhhhh! Instead of just calmly flicking the spider away (because we share our house with a hoard of spiders, more so when it's raining- like today. I should be used to it), I flipped out and started jumping up and down- not pretty in the shower, you know. Screaming does not begin to describe the noise coming from my dainty mouth. Both hands were used to tear the spider off my face. Yes, the hands that were in the midst of shampooing . Yes, they were covered in suds. Yes, I got it in my eyes. YES, I need to learn braille based on my track record. When the spider was sufficiently on the shower floor, I did notice that it looked quite a bit smaller. Minuscule. The runt of the litter. Almost invisible, actually... don't judge me- it was next to my eye.
Stephanie, that was freaking hysterical! I could totally see myself doing the exact same thing. You're blog really does make me laugh, prety much everytime I read it. Thanks for brighting my otherwise very lame humbug day!
hahaha...that was great! spiders freak me out when on me also. you are totally validated in your response. Just be glad you didn't have house guests over that tried to come running in to your rescue!
Whoa, Stephanie. We are like sisters here. I am totally in charge of all spider killing, and since I live on a wooded lot, there are frequent calls for my services.
One night, I woke up with one on my arm. It freaked me out SO bad, that I couldn't sleep with any part of me out from under the covers for a week. I nearly suffocated myself in my subconscious efforts to avoid skin exposure!
I would probably have passed out. I hate spiders, and still wonder what Heavenly father could have created in their place that just wouldn't have been so creepy.
while I dont mind bugs & critters... not on the face... NO WAY.. the fun adventures of the country!
my sympathies! YUCK i hate spiders. more than anything!! disgusting!
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