Today at brunch with the in-laws, Jimmy was being especially ornery to
all the girls- from his mother down to Kailtin. We were all getting dizzy from the constant eye rolling at his outlandish and teasing remarks. Mom had mentioned that the youngest grand baby, at eighteen months, had just learned where her nose was. Norah's newest game was pointing to her nose when asked. As Ashley and I shared our excitement, Jimmy started teasing again... "Eighteen months?!?! Kaitlin could point to her nose the minute she was born!" And with that I said, "Maybe not her dainty nose... she saw
your face a knew what a nose was upon seeing your big schnoz! OOhhh!!!!" Jimmy nearly choked on his food.
She shoots, she scores! She nearly brought down the house with Jimmy's puzzled expression seeing someone
dare tease him back! It seems that my husband can dish out plenty, but growing up with all younger sisters , the retribution was few and far between. Add Stephanie, who grew up with all brothers, to the mix and you've got yourself a game worth watching!
Jimmy- zip
Stay tuned for our half time entertainment.
Wish I was there to see it. Although I have a hard time picturing Jimmy as anything but humble and helpful. In fact, he could be listed as your "Good Little Church Boy/Girl" on your Facebook.......INSTEAD OF ME!!!!
I'm ready for round two!! What a cute story :)
LOL! I love your blog, its great to read! Popping in from SITS.. love the new layout, too, btw! :o)
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