
Short and sweet update

It's pretty sad that the blogger format has changed since I last updated my blog. It's not that we haven't been doing anything- just the opposite! Just a few quick bullet points:
  • A surprise 30th birthday party- my family and friends surprised me so much that that very morning I had spent some time crying to friend about everyone forgetting my birthday. Fortunately, Jimmy did not tell Kate about the party because she made me egg whites to make me feel better rather than spilling the beans. It was an amazing day that started with a drive up Napa Valley to all my favorite spots in a new convertible!
  • Jimmy finished school (but isn't walking until September) I am sooo proud of him! That boy has worked so hard. Now onto the job hunt! May he be fruitful!
  • Kate joined the newspaper club at school and has been writing non-stop. We go through paper like termites!
  • We went to Las Vegas- not such a huge fan of Sin City, but a very huge fan of Cirque Du Soleil, shopping, the hotel and not having to pay for any of it because it was a business trip. Three Cheers for an expense account!
  • Disneyland on the way to Beth's wedding. Oh goodness, do I love that place. A lot. Too much, probably. We enjoyed a full day of rides excluding the Tower of Terror :( My very favorite ride... we waited in line for 2 1/2 hours, the park closed and we were booted from the line in order to get into the Disneyland side before it closed.
  • Beth's Wedding!!! My sister looked radiant on her special day! Jimmy and I had a blast dancing the night away. My family and I rented a fancy HUGE house (with a pool!). It was so fun to wake up to my sweet nieces and nephews. It was the first time all the siblings were together in over 10 years! I laughed and laughed and loved the trip despite the 110 degree weather.