As everyone well knows... I'm not such a big fan of spiders. This weekend, Ashley (sister-in-law) came up to stay with us. That, of course, means that Jimmy goes to bed early and Ashley and I goof off. We had a great time, as always. On Saturday night, we had sat down to watch a movie. In the middle of the movie I abruptly got up and said, "That's it! I'm freezing! On with the fire!" I wish it was that easy for the 'on with the fire' step, but not so. One must take off the cast iron lid to the wood stove. A cast iron lid that weighs more than my husband... Also, one must pull out the glass between the fire and the 5 year old that attempts sticking their hand in the fire. Next, use a lighter to light pilot light, while holding down the pilot light button- two things that could not be further apart from each other. It really is a process.
Well, in the middle of step one- yes, the step where one of us is holding a cast iron lid- a HUGE freakin' spider jumped out at us. JUMPED. I have never in my life seen a spider so huge. Ashley tried running away, but was weighed down by the stove lid. Too bad, I really liked Ashley.
I yelled, "There is no way I'm getting that with a tissue- it'll clog the toilet! I'll go get the Raid!!!" I came back with a jumbo can of Raid and started spraying. Instead of dying on contact, the spider started running faster! What apparently was supposed to be a bug killer, was a super strength serum to help the spider take over the world. Even with that knowledge at hand, I continued spraying... and ran out of Raid. Well, as we both stepped back, the spider fell on it's back and started twitching. Yeah, nasty. The spiders legs curled up and we incredibly grossed out by a cartoonish looking death of the biggest spider in the world.**
** Just a quick note- we screamed THE WHOLE TIME this all conspired. Jimmy and Kaitlin slept through the everything...
EEEEEEEEEWWWW. I hate spiders. I REALLY hate jumping spiders. You guys are my heroes for conquering that thing. I would have ran to wake Dan and made him handle it. eww. I'm all twitchy and grossed out now.
I would have screamed louder so Dave woke up! You spider terminator YOU.
I have screamed once like you described....a bird was in my house. Remember?! hahaha! Wish I had been on the other end of the phone for the spider encounter!
I would be screaming like a little girl too. EEK! Glad both of you survived.
Where are the photos!!!! FYI -Pledge will kill spiders faster than Raid. I know!!!
i wonder how many spiders are waiting for you in heaven.
What? All that excitement and no one thought to get a picture?
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