
Bucket List

Soooo, after many hours doing research (on Pinterest, naturally) I have formulated a bucket list:

Go see the Temple square Christmas lights in SLC

Go to a live General conference

Learn Spanish

Experience the Northern lights

Take a Backpacking trip with my family

Go Zip lining in Hawaii

Publish the children's books I've written

Finish decorating an entire house- every room!

Read the entire Old Testament

Just for ONE full day, have every single laundry item and dish in the house clean

Sing a solo at church

See Kate married in the temple

Spend a WHOLE day at the spa

Visit Norway

Visit Poland

Serve a mission

Bake a souffle

Own a new Jaguar

Give a birthday gift to every family member one year (working on that one this year)

Go on a Church history tour one Summer with my family

Own a pair of designer shoes and actually wear them

Go to the French Laundry with Jimmy

Spend one Christmas with my family serving in a third world country

Learn how to make brioche

Make a croquembouche for Christmas

Learn how to play the piano


lmhiserman said...

I'll teach you how to make a souffle. It's actually really easy! I've always wanted to make a croquembouche too. What a fun list.

Shawn said...

That's a great bucket list, Stephanie! I might steal some of it. :)