
IN MAY?!?!?!?!

Mother nature is getting a memo about this one. Did she not get my thank you email in January for the flip flop weather? Dude, there's going to be a serious brawl at the next meeting if this continues... although, now that I remember... I totally did not plant a tree on earth day- crap! Do you think if I get a 'Happy Belated Earth Day' card and have the office sign it, we'll have the regularly scheduled non-face melting weather back? Maybe I should slip in a twenty spot...


Kelly said...

i. blame. you.

I Play With Fire said...

Your posts ALWAYS make me laugh. Thanks for a good chuckle today :)

Ali said...

Yikes! I'll stop complaining about 80 degree weather now:)

Ms. Green Eyes said...

At least you are not currently living in Bakersfield where the average weather for May is about 104... yeah, it's THAT hot. Imagine June and July....